Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay on Turn up

Essay on Turn up Essay on Turn up When I turn up I do it for the team! Sometimes I want to do it for myself, but analytically that may not be possible. The pleasure aroused from my team is enough to make me a happy camper. Camping is pretty fun too I must say. Turning up is fun too. Anyone ever tried Bacardi black razz? That's my turn up sauce for when I turn up. Denmark was found to be the happiest country in 2012, but The Melancholy Dane never got the memo. Don't let poor Hamlet spend another cold winter moping, cuddling mouldering skulls, and spouting soliloquies by himself. All you need to cheer him up is a printer,cardstock, some scissors and tape!"Cheer Up, Hamlet!" is a paperdoll available for free, for nerds and geeks and Shakespeare fans alike. Several sayings come to mind as I take the edge off and self-medicate with a glass of Cabernet. One is the oft-repeated truth that â€Å"life is change†. You don’t have to live long to know the truth of that one. One day you’re a carefree college student worried only about where the weekend party will be, and the next day you’re fretting over making the mortgage payment and having that conference with your child’s teacher, because he was fighting another child on the playground. Then eventually there comes the day where those memories will be cherished, as those children go out on their own and you realize you’re not needed nearly as much by them. As you deal with the empty nest they’ve left behind, you begin to settle into the senior years. Then

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Marriage, the Motherhood Penalty and the Gender Wage Gap

Marriage, the Motherhood Penalty and the Gender Wage Gap The gender wage  gap is well-established in societies around the world. Social scientists have documented through research spanning decades that the gender wage  gap- wherein women, all else being equal, earn less than men for the same work- cannot be explained away by differences in education, type of job or role within an organization, or by the number of hours worked in a week or weeks worked in a year. Pew Research Center reports that in 2015- the year for which most recent data are available- the gender wage  gap in the United States as measured by median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers was 17 percent. This means that women earned roughly 83 cents to the mans dollar. This is actually good news, in terms of historical trends, because it means that the  gap has shrunk considerably over time. Back in 1979, women earned just 61 cents to the mans dollar in terms of median weekly earnings, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics  (BLS) reported by sociologist Michelle J. Budig. Yet, social scientists are cautious about this overall improvement because the rate at which the gap is shrinking has declined significantly in recent years. The encouraging nature of the overall shrinking gender wage  gap also eclipses the continuing harmful effect of racism on a persons earnings. When Pew Research Center looked at historical trends by race and gender, they found that, in 2015, while white women earned 82 cents to the white mans dollar, Black women earned just 65 cents relative to white men, and Hispanic women, just 58. These data also show that the increase in earnings of Black and Hispanic women relative to white men has been far less than that for white women. Between 1980 and 2015, the gap for Black women shrunk by just 9 percentage points and that for Hispanic women by just 5. Meanwhile, the gap for white women shrunk by 22 points. This means that the closing of the gender wage gap over recent decades has primarily benefitted white women. There are other hidden but important aspects of the gender wage  gap. Research shows that the gap is tiny to non-existent when people start their working careers around age 25 but it widens quickly and steeply during the next five to ten years. Social scientists argue that research proves that much of the widening of the gap is attributable to the wage penalty suffered by married women and by those who have children- what they call the motherhood penalty. The Lifecycle Effect and the Gender Wage  Gap Many social scientists have documented that the gender wage  gap widens with age. Budig, taking a sociological view on the problem, has demonstrated using BLS data that the wage  gap in 2012 as measured by median weekly earnings was just 10 percent for those aged 25 to 34 but was more than double that for those aged 35 to 44. Economists, using different data, have found the same result. Analyzing a combination of quantitative data from the  Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) database and the 2000 Census  long-form survey, a team of economists led by Claudia Goldin, a professor of economics at Harvard University, found that the gender wage gap widens considerably during the first decade and a half after schooling ends. In conducting their analysis, Goldins team used statistical methods to rule out the possibility that the gap widens over time due to an increase in discrimination. They found, conclusively, that the gender wage gap increases with age- especially among the college educated who work in higher-earning jobs than those not requiring a college degree. In fact, among the college educated, the economists found that 80 percent of the increase in the gap occurs between the ages of 26 and 32. Put differently, the wage gap between college-educated men and women is just 10 percent when they are 25 years old but has widened massively to 55 percent by the time they reach the age of 45. This means that college-educated women lose out on the most earnings, relative to men with the same degrees and qualifications. Budig argues that the widening of the gender wage gap as people age is due to what sociologists call the lifecycle effect. Within sociology, life cycle is used to refer to the different stages of development that a person moves through during their life, which includes reproduction, and are normatively synced with key social institutions of  family and education. Per Budig, the lifecycle effect on the gender wage gap is the effect that certain events and processes that are part of the life cycle have on a persons earnings: namely, marriage and childbirth. Research Shows that Marriage Hurts the Earnings of Women Budig and other social scientists see a link between marriage, motherhood and the gender wage gap because there is clear evidence that both life events correspond to a greater gap. Using BLS data for 2012, Budig shows that women who have never been married experience the smallest gender wage gap relative to never-married men- they earn 96 cents to the mans dollar. Married women, on the other hand, earn just 77 cents to the married mans dollar, which represents a gap that is nearly six times greater than that among never-married people. The effect of marriage on a womans earnings is made even more clear when looking at the gender wage gap for formerly married men and women. Women in this category earn just 83 percent of what formerly married men earn. So, even when a woman isnt currently married, if she has been, she will see her earnings reduced by 17 percent as compared with men in the same situation. The same team of economists cited above used the same pairing of LEHD data with long-form Census data to show exactly how marriage impacts the earnings of women in a working paper published by the National Bureau of Economics Research  (with Erling Barth, prolific Norwegian economist and a fellow at Harvard Law School,  as the first author, and without Claudia Goldin). First, they establish that much of the gender wage gap, or what they call the earnings gap, is created within organizations. Between 25 and 45 years of age, mens earnings within an organization climb more sharply than do those of women. This is true among both the college-educated and non-college educated populations, however, the effect is much more extreme among those with a college degree. Men with a college degree enjoy vast earnings growth within organizations while women with college degrees enjoy far less. In fact, their rate of earnings growth is less than that for men  without  college degrees, and by age 45 is slightly less than that of women without college degrees too. (Keep in mind that were talking about a rate of earnings growth here, not earnings themselves. College-educated women earn far more than women who do not have college degrees, but the rate at which earnings grow over the course of ones career is about the same for each group, regardless of education.) Because women earn less than men within organizations, when they change jobs and move to another organization, they do not see the same degree of salary bump- what Barth and his colleagues call an earnings premium- when taking the new job. This is especially true for married women and serves to further exacerbate the gender wage gap among this population. As it turns out, the rate of growth in the earnings premium is about the same for both married and never-married men as well as never-married women through the first five years of a persons career (The rate of growth for never-married women slows after that point.). However, compared to these groups, married women see very little growth in earnings premium over the span of two decades. In fact, it is not until married women are 45 years old that the rate of growth for their earnings premium matches what it was for all others between the ages of 27 and 28. This means that married women have to wait nearly two decades to see the same kind of earnings premium growth that other workers enjoy throughout their working career. Because of this, married women lose out on a significant amount of earnings relative to other workers. The Motherhood Penalty is the Real Driver of the Gender Wage Gap While marriage is bad for a womans earnings, research shows that it is childbirth that really exacerbates the gender wage gap and puts a significant dent in womens lifetime earnings relative to other workers. Married women who are also mothers are hardest hit by the gender wage gap, earning just 76 percent of what married fathers earn, according to Budig. Single mothers earn 86 to the single (custodial) fathers dollar; a fact which is in keeping with what Barth and his research team revealed about the negative impact of marriage on a womans earnings. In her research, Budig found that women on average suffer a wage penalty of four percent per childbirth during their careers. Budig found this after controlling for the effect on wages of differences in human capital, family structure, and family-friendly job characteristics. Troublingly, Budig also found that low-income women suffer a greater motherhood penalty of six percent per child. Backing up the sociological findings, Barth and his colleagues, because they were able to match long-form Census data to earnings data, concluded that most of the loss in earnings growth for married women (relative to married men) occurs concurrently with the arrival of children.† Yet, while women, especially married and low-income women suffer a motherhood penalty, most men who become fathers receive a fatherhood bonus. Budig, with her colleague Melissa Hodges, that men on average receive a six percent pay bump after becoming fathers. (They found this by analyzing data from the 1979-2006 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.) They also found that, just as the motherhood penalty disproportionately impact low-income women (therefore negatively targeting racial minorities), the fatherhood bonus disproportionately benefits white men- especially those with college degrees. Not only do these dual phenomena- the motherhood penalty and the fatherhood bonus- maintain and for many, widen the gender wage gap, they also work together to reproduce and worsen already existing structural inequalities that function on the basis of gender,  race, and level of education.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International business & institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International business & institutions - Essay Example Key Findings Regarding Market Opportunities in China China is one of the strongest economies of the world. According to statistics on the Chinese market, the number of urban households owning a computer stood at 27.8% in 2003 compared to just 2.6% in 1997. Speaking of white good manufacturing, it’s something that’s being carried out on a very grand stage in China for a vast amount of time now (Access Asia Limited 2006). White goods like washing machines and refrigerators have been possessed by most of urban Chinese population since the mid of 1990s. However, as such they haven’t been found in much quantity in the rural areas of China even though the according to the recent studies, the rate of such purchases by rural households has witnessed a sharp increase. The Porter’s diamond is often used to explain why certain countries enjoy an exceptional reputation for certain goods and services they produce. We all know Germany is famous for car manufacturing, Ja pan for its cameras and game stations the UK for its financial services. The Porter’s diamond helps us explain why all this happens. One of the determinant factors of the Porter’s diamond is factor conditions. China is an over populated country. The population of the country has increased so much that there are a lot of people roaming around jobless. In such a demand supply mismatch, labor can usually be hired at cheap rates. Refrigerator manufacturing usually requires labor to interconnect parts and oversee the running of machinery. A lot of money can be saved in term of hiring cheap labor. Another of the factor conditions that favors the production of electronics like refrigerators in China is the weather. The warm Chinese weather is perfect for the condensed gas found in the refrigerator’s condenser. Too hot or too cold weather often causes problems in the condenser and extra cost has to be incurred to refill the leaked gas. Demand conditions are the second f actor in Porter’s diamond. There would be obviously no reason to produce goods and services where there isn’t a demand for such products. China is the most populous country in the world and with an ever increasing population, the demand for refrigerators can be foreseen to be high in the future. In such circumstances setting up a refrigerator manufacturing plant directly in China would result in an increase in profit and lowering of costs. Cost would be lowered as they refrigerators be manufactured locally and therefore wouldn’t have to imported and hence cost reduction could be experienced in the form of saving on import related duties and taxes. Hubei is a probable location for our European based company to set up a refrigeration plant. The Hubei province is located in the middle of China and is also referred to as the natural distribution hub of China. The province of Hubei has slightly more skilled labor as compared to other parts of the country and has alre ady well-established supply chains. The province is already home to a lot of companies ranging from telecom sector to electronic appliance and computer equipment makers (Joint Environmental Markets 2000). Another factor from the Porter’s diamond is whether there are related or supporting industries or not. It is a generally well known fact that that industries often benefit from each other if they are located in the vicinity of related and supporting indust

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

UK Taxation System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

UK Taxation System - Essay Example Present in the UK for a minimum of 183 days ii. Not habitually in the UK but makes substantial visits averaging a minimum of 91 days a year in each of four or more consecutive years. For anyone who may be emigrating from the UK, the number of years is three instead of four. However, if there are extenuating circumstances such as illnesses the days are ignored for the 91-day rule but not for the 183-day rule. Ordinary residence indicates a higher degree of permanence when compared to the residence. An individual is considered to be ordinarily resident if residence in the UK is of a habitual nature. Therefore, if that person goes abroad for a period constituting a full tax year the individual is regarded as remaining a resident and ordinarily resident during the period of absence. What is taxable? A UK resident is normally liable for taxation on income earned both in the UK and overseas. A non-resident, however, is only liable to pay UK income tax on income earned in the UK (BPP Learni ng Media 2009). Income from several sources is brought together in an individual’s personal tax computation. These sources include non-saving - income from employment; saving income - building society interest and national saving and investment interest; and dividend income - income received for investment in company shares. Interest paid and income tax allowances - personal, a married couple, a blind person and other allowances which are determined by the government are deducted from non-saving income. Table 1shows information on various personal and other allowances and related income limits for the year 2010/11.   The relevant tax period The relevant tax period for income tax in the UK runs from 6th April to 5th April. Therefore, the 2010/2011 financial year it runs from 6th April 2010 to 5th April 2011. Tax bands The income tax system in the UK is progressive. It is expected that by doing so individuals earning high income and businesses earning high profits will pay hi gher levels of taxation. The details are shown in Table 2. Table 2 - UK Tax Bands Particulars Rate Income tax band (?) Comments Starting rate for savings 10% 0 – 2,440 The starting rate of 10% applies only to savings income. The 10% starting rate does not apply Basic rate 20% 0 – 37,400 Higher rate 40% 37,401 – 150,000 Additional rate 50% Over 150,000 Savings income is taxed at 10% for an income range of ?0-?2,440. However, if non-savings income is above that limit then the 10% starting rate for savings income does not apply. Dividend income is taxed at 10% for those paying tax in the basic rate band, 32.5 for those taxed in the medium rate band and a new additional rate of 42.5% was introduced in 2010/2011 for those individuals who are earning income in excess of ?150,000 (tax rates.cc n.d).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pluto or Neptune Essay Example for Free

Pluto or Neptune Essay Dr. Derik Johnson is highly acclaimed for his knowledge and research in physics. He has done a lot of research on the force of gravitation, and has a very conclusive notion in his mind that if sun’s gravitational pull is so great that it can compel a system of 9 planets to rotate around itself, then objects on earth, which is relatively very near to the sun as compared to Pluto or Neptune, should also fall towards sun, and not down towards the centre of the planet. He defies Newtonian theory on gravitational pull. Years of concentrated research on this notion, enable him to make a device, which can reverse the gravitational pull on any object. His joy does not know any limits, on this achievement. This is a device, which has a flat surface and which can be held in ones hand. Once the flat surface is made to face the Sun for 5 minutes, it gathers enough energy to change the gravitational field acting on any body. So, if he points this device to a person walking on road, it would appear to him as if, the person is getting carried upwards. To a common person, this device appears as if it is a round mirror of 5 inches diameter, and nothing else. Dr.Derik’s close friend John Mathew, is a shrewd businessman with acute sense of business opportunities. It was because of this sense of turning innovations into business, that he was a very wealthy man today. As a close friend, he discusses Dr. Derik discusses his invention with John, who perceives a gigantic business opportunity in this device. Now, tons and tons of load can be lifted upwards, with this small device !!!!! No extra energy no extra efforts !!! His shrewd business mind tells him that cranes and lifting devices could be a thing of past, if this invention could be turned into a working, marketable product. Both work together, incessantly, to bring out a commercially viable product, which can make any object move upward, just by pointing towards it. This product creates as storm in the market, and becomes an outright success. It becomes a minting machine for this duo. This run for minting money through this product, did not last long. Barely within a few months of its existence, reports of varied misuse of the product started flowing in and making headlines in the news channels and papers. While it proved very beneficial to the industry which had real time applications, it became a nuisance for others. Mrs. Alice, the head of an NGO, filed a law suit against this company, on behalf of a young girl, Edwina. It so happened that a boy studying with Edwina was madly in love with her, and wanted to marry her. Edwina was in no mood to agree to his proposal, and had been rejecting this boy consistently. So, this boy, uses this device, to shoot a small clip, with her walking above the surface of the earth. Since she was wearing a skirt at that time, the camera was able to shoot her private parts also. This was obviously very embarrassing to Edwina. Her MMS clips started circulating around the campus, then the town and then to the whole world through the internet. Edwina reported this case to Mrs. Alice, who was very upset at knowing her story. She approached the courts, and filed a law suit against the manufacturers, demanding a very heavy penalty in favor of Edwina, and immediate withdrawal of all the products from the market, and closing down the manufacturing unit. The court, decides to withdraw all the products from the market, pay heavy compensation to Edwina, but does not order closing down of the manufacturing unit. Instead, it issues an order that the product could be marketed to genuine customers only, who have to obtain a license to buy this product. The court also orders Dr. Derik to improvise the design in such a way that only a person with very high technical skills can use it. ( Dear customer : the resemblances are as follows : Dr. Derik – Dr. Frankenstein, the product – the monster, Edwina- William who was the victim, John- Henry, and Mrs. Alice- Elizabeth). Reference: 1) Victor Frankenstein, Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, retrieved on 5 january 2008 from : http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Victor_Frankenstein

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Changing Face Of Basketball Essay example -- essays research paper

The Changing Face of Basketball Basketball has come a long way since its soccer ball and peach basket beginnings in that its style, players, facilities and leagues have developed dramatically and gained tremendous popularity. Salaries have increased from Bob Cousy's minute $45.00 a game (Minser 37) to Michael Jordan's $300,000 + per game (Minser 37). Basketball is a sport in which all ages can participate in any way, shape, or form and is a big part of American society today. In 1891 James A. Naismith invented basketball at a YMCA gymnasium in Springfield, Massachusetts (Hollander 4). He told a custodian to nail two peach baskets 10 feet high on opposite ends of the gymnasium walls. The first teams consisted of nine players on each side (this was later changed to five because of roughness) (Hollander 5- 7). The main rules were one could not take more than two steps with the ball, which meant one would have to dribble it and it was not to be a contact sport, so one was not allowed to tackle or push, etc... or a foul would be called. The rules have developed in that a shot clock was installed. The shot clock is a 24 second clock that a team had to shoot within that time period (Minsky 12). Basketball has developed in that players have become more flashy, facilities have become bigger and more complex, and leagues have grown. The 50's marked a period of fundamentals. Teams practiced shooting, dribbling, and passing. they also emphasized execution; something lacking in today's game. Execution is the running of plays to perfection. Basketball in the 50's was dominated by 6'10† George Mikan of the Minneapolis Lakers (Minsky 14).Mikan was a disciplined team leader who had a masterful soft shot. Big George led the Lakers to five National Basketball Association (NBA) championships in six years, making them the first professional basketball dynasty (Minsky 14). Growing up, George was very uncoordinated and was cut from almost every basketball team he tried out for; however, a man named Ray Meyer was the coach of DePaul University and dedicated his training sessions to Mikan (Minsky 15-16). George worked very hard; he even took dance lessons to improve his agility and footwork. He also played one - on - one with shorter but faster players in order to improve his defensive positioning. He also jumped rope, played hours of catch with tennis and medicine balls, and pra... ...arenas, enormous crown support, and plenty of luxuries (Hollander 60-69). Original salaries were microscopic compared to salaries today, especially when compared to other professionals. Basketball today is being sold to the public more than any other sport. Corporate sponsors have lured players with million dollar offers. It is amazing at the difference between the salaries of basketball players and professionals such as teachers, nurses, social workers , and even what we pay our clergy. The public wants to be entertained, and will pay for it, but fails to give adequate payment to professionals who affect our daily lives. The style of play, players, facilities, and leagues have developed dramatically and gained tremendous popularity since its soccer ball and peach basket beginnings. Thesis Statement: Basketball has come a long way since its soccer ball and peach basket beginnings in that its style, players, facilities and leagues have devoloped dramatically and gained tremendous popularity. I. History A. What B. When C. Basic rules II. Development A. First great players B. Facilities C. Leagues III. Salaries A. Original B. Salaries now C. Salaries compared to other professions

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


New research suggests that dolphins are second only to humans in smarts. – MRI scans indicate that these marine mammals are self-aware. – Researchers think dolphins are especially vulnerable to suffering and trauma. When human measures for intelligence are applied to other species, dolphins come in Just behind humans in brainpower, according to new research. Dolphins demonstrate skills and awareness previously thought to be present only in humans.New MRI scans show that dolphin brains are four to five times larger for their body size when compared to another nimal of similar size, according to Lori Marino, a senior lecturer in neuroscience and behavioral biology at Emory University, and one of the world's leading dolphin experts. Humans also possess an impressive brain-to-body ratio. â€Å"If we use relative brain size as a metric of ‘intelligence' then one would have to conclude that dolphins are second in intelligence to modern humans,† said Marino, who p erformed several MRI scans on dolphin brains.Marino will be presenting her findings at next month's American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting. â€Å"Size isn't verything,† she admitted, but she says at least two other lines of evidence support her claims about dolphin intelligence. First, various features of the dolphin neocortex the part of the brain involved in higher-order thinking and processing of emotional information are â€Å"particularly expanded† in dolphins. Second, behavioral studies conducted by Marino and other experts demonstrate that dolphins exhibit human- like skills.These include mirror self-recognition, cultural learning, comprehension of symbol-based communication systems, and an understanding of abstract concepts. The Navy's Marine Mammal Program began in 1960 with two goals. First, the Navvy wanted to study the underwater sonar capabilities of dolphins and beluga whales to learn how to design more efficient methods of detecting objects underwater, and to improve the speed of their boats and submarines by researching how dolphins are able to swim so fast and dive so deep.In addition to this research component, the Navvy also trained dolphins, beluga whales, sea lions and other marine mammals to perform various underwater tasks, including delivering equipment to divers nderwater, locating and retrieving lost objects, guarding boats and submarines, and doing underwater surveillance using a camera held in their mouths. Dolphins were used for some of these tasks in the Vietnam War and in the Persian Gulf. The Marine Mammal Program was originally classified, and was at its peak during the Cold War.The Soviet Union's military was conducting similar research and training programs in the race to dominate the underwater front. At one point during the 1980's, the U. S. program had over 100 dolphins, as well as numerous sea lions and beluga whales, and an operating budget ot $8 million dollars. By the ‘s, howeve r, the Cold W was over, and the Navvy's Marine Mammal project was downsized. In 1992, the program became declassified. Many of the dolphins were retired, and controversy arose over whether or not it would be feasible to return unnecessary dolphins to the wild. pecific Tasks Navvy marine mammals are trained to perform many underwater duties, including Bottlenose dolphins detect and mark of underwater mines. The animal locates a mine and then deposits a weighted buoy line near the mine in order to mark it. California sea lions attach grabber devices to underwater objects for etrieval. This system is used extensively in training exercises with divers for Explosive Ordnance Disposal units. Practice mines are placed on the sea floor; those not found by the divers during the exercise are retrieved by the sea lions. Bottlenose dolphins are used to detect and defend against enemy swimmers.This procedure was used in both the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf to protect Navvy anchored vessels from enemy swimmers seeking to plant explosives. The dolphins would swim slowly, patrolling the area with their sonar, and alert armed trainer guards if they located a swimmer. They are also trained to â€Å"tag† the enemy swimmer with a marker so that Navvy personnel can apprehend him. During the Vietnam War, rumors circulated about a â€Å"swimmer nullification program† in which dolphins were also being trained to shoot at enemy swimmers with a device similar to the tagging device.The Navvy denies that any such program existed or that any dolphin has ever been trained to attacka human. 1960's naw begins use of marine mammals 1965 sea lab II In 1965, the Marine Mammal Program began its first military project: Sea Lab II. Working in the waters off La Jolla, California, a bottlenose dolphin named Tuffy ompleted the first successful open ocean military exercise. He repeatedly dove 200 feet to the Sea Lab II installation, carrying mail and tools to naw personnel. He was a lso trained to guide lost divers to safety. 965-75 dolphins used in Vietnam The Navvy sent five dolphins to Cam Ranh Bay to perform underwater surveillance and guard military boats from enemy swimmers. Although during this era rumors circulated about a â€Å"swimmer nullification program† through which dolphins were trained to attack and kill enemy swimmer, the Navvy denies such a program ever existed. 1975 ntroduction of sea lions and beluga whales With the success of the dolphin program, the Navvy began working with sea lions, training them to recover military hardware or weaponry fired and dropped in the ocean.The sea lions could dive and recover objects at depths of up to 650 feet. The Navvy also began exploring the use of beluga whales, which, like dolphins, use sonar to navigate. Beluga whales could operate at much colder temperatures and deeper depths than either dolphins or sea lions. naw builds up collection of dolphins The Marine Mammal Program reached its heyday in the 1980's, with an expanded udget and increased number of dolphins.In 1986, Congress partially repealed the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act by letting the Navvy collect wild dolphins from for â€Å"national defense purposes. † The Navvy planned to use the dolphins to expand its mine disposal units and to stock a breeding program. 1986-88 dolphins in the Persian gulf The naw sent six dolphins to the Persian Gulf, where they patrolled the harbor in Bahrain to protect US flagships from enemy swimmers and mines, and escorted Kuwaiti oil tankers through potentially dangerous waters. One of the dolphins, â€Å"Skippy,† died ofa bacterial infection. ssile guarding project in Bangor abandoned In the late 1980's the Navvy began a project through which dolphins would act as guards at the Bangor Washington Trident Missile Base. Animal activists opposed the project, and filed suit against the Navvy under the National Environmental Protection Act claiming that the Navvy must do an environmental evaluation to determine whether deployment in the cold northern waters off Bangor would harm dolphins originally captured in the Gulf of Mexico. A Judge ruled that such a study must be completed before the project could continue.The Navvy abandoned the project. By 1994, the Navvy policy on moving dolphins to environments with radically different water temperatures changed; a spokesperson said that in general, the Navvy would only move dolphins between environments with a 20 degree difference in temperature, except in emergency situations. 1990S downsizing, declassification, retirement With the end of the Cold War, the Navvy's budget for the marine mammal program was drastically reduced, and all but one of its training centers were closed down.Of the 103 dolphins remaining in the program, the Navvy decided it needed only 70 to maintain its downsized operations. Much of the project was declassified, although certain details remain protected. This raised the question of what to do with the remaining dolphins. In the 1992 Defense Appropriations Act, Congress alloted a half million dollars to the Navvy to â€Å"to develop training procedures which will allow mammals which are no longer required for this project to be released into their natural habitat. The Navvy held two conferences of researchers and experts and determined that a reintroduction program would not be cost effective. In an attempt to downsize its dolphin troops, the Navvy offered to give its surplus trained dolphins o marine parks However, interest in the tree dolphins was low because many marine parks by this time had developed successful in-house breeding programs. The Navvy only got only four requests, but pledged to care for the unclaimed dolphins until their deaths.Later in 1994, the Navvy agreed to send three dolphins to Sugarloaf sanctuary, near Key West in Florida, a rehabilitation facility run by Ric O'Barry. O'Barry planned to reeducate the dolphins so they could be safe ly released into the wild, once the necessary federal permits were granted. 1996 illegal release of Luther and Buck Two of the dolphins being held at the Sugarloaf Sanctuary, Luther and Buck, were being prepared for life in the wild while awaiting federal permits for their release. In May, before the permits had been issued, O'Barry released the dolphins into the Gulf of Mexico.He believed that the dolphins were ready for release and that the bureaucratric requirements for a permit were designed to prevent the release of the Navvy dolphins. He thought that to wait any longer before letting them go would jeopardize their chances of successful adaptation to the wild. read O'Barry's defense f his actions, and criticism of the release from Naomi Rose The dolphins were recaptured less than two weeks later and returned to the Navvy. All three of these dolphins are now back with the Navvy. One of them is still in Florida; the other two are back in San Diego in the Navvy facility there. 997 Ukrainian dolphins trained by the Soviet Navvy for military operations are now being used for therapy with autistic and emotionally disturbed children. Mahalia Jackson Mrs. Harvey English 093 (1 :OO) October 29, 2013 Dolphins Dolphins are very interesting creatures. There are many things about a dolphin you may not know about. They do many ditterent things witn humans, and they do many different things in their everyday lives. There are many peculiar amazing creatures in the ocean, but none of them compares to the dolphins.In the beginning of time about 50 million years ago research shows that dolphins were once a land animal. They looked like a wolf, as this animal they hunted in the shallow waters, and eventually they learned how to adapt between land and water. Research says, â€Å"That their forelegs became flippers, the hind legs disappeared and the fluke evolved, and their fur disappeared and the nostrils moved to the top of their head. This how they breathe today. Even thou gh they surface ever few minutes in the water, they can stay under water up to 15 minutes.Now in order to navigate they use echolocation to find their way around the ocean or the sea. In order to find food the uses clicks to send out to return off of an object in the water researchers say, â€Å"It's just like an echo. † This is how they find their food, dolphins. And other threatening animals or rocks. Just like humans have a family; well, dolphins have families that they live in. The families are usually or mostly lead by a female dolphin. Just like in a society of humans the females primarily are the head of the house hold or family.Every dolphin in the family help each other out, sometimes several families might come together to make a school of dolphins. Jackson 2 Dolphins are very intelligent, they are the second-smartest animal in the world. Research shows that dolphins shows skills and awareness that for many years they thought only humans had. They gave them MIR scan s, and they found out that a dolphin's brain is four to five times larger than their own bodies when it is compared to another animals of a similar size. Dolphins has been in the U. S. Navvy for more than forty years.The Navvy's Marine Mammal Program began in 1960 and they had two reasons for this program. It was that the Navvy wanted to study the underwater sonar capabilities of dolphins, and to learn how to design more sufficient methods for detecting objects underwater, and to also improve the speed of their boats and submarines by researching how dolphins are able to swim so fast and dive so deep into the water. Dolphins Just didn't Join the Navvy or became a part of it they had to be trained to do the Jobs they were going to be assigned to do. In order to help the Navvy in upcoming wars to come.They was trained to deliver equipment to divers underwater, locating and retrieving lost objects that the Navvy thought was important, guarding boats and submarines, and doing underwater surveillance using a camera to hold in their mouths. Researchers says, â€Å"The dolphins were trained to attack and kill the enemy in the Vietnam War. † Lastly, Dolphins are many things on this Earth. They are intelligent, they are used in the U. S. Navvy. In order to help them discover enemies and to protect the ships. They are descendants of wolves and that they ave hair it's Just on the top of their head.Female dolphins are the head of the family, and several families might come and Join them. All together Dolphins are amazing creatures, they can be your friend and protect you to the end.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Study on Work Life Balance Essay

For fresh graduates, getting in the big four firms have long been considered as one of the ideal places where everyone aims for. This is because there are significant benefits from working at a Big 4 Firm. For instance, every Big 4 firm offer superior training to staffs, networking opportunities with professionals across different industries, and possibility to be hired at one of the client companies. Hence, many young accountants and fresh graduates are willing to take on lower pay to work in these firms. However, working in a Big 4 firm is never an easy task, especially during peak season from January to April. Typically, an employee has to work ten to twelve hours a day during weekdays and weekends. Heavy work hours has greatly affected employees in maintaining work life balance and brought challenges to both employees and employers. The current study identifies the factors that could affect employees’ work life balance in one of the Big Four accounting firms – Deloitte Macau. Both questionnaire surveys (n=30) and interviews (across two management level) have been conducted and reveal convergent outcomes. Recommendations have been provided to further improve the work-life balance in Deloitte Macau. Introduction of Deloitte Macau Deloitte Macau is an accounting firm that provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to national, multinational and enterprise clients in Macau. The firm is a member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL), a UK private company limited by guarantee. Each DTTL firm is structured differently in accordance with national or local laws, regulations, customary practice, and other factors, and may secure the provision of provision of professional services in its territory through subsidiaries, affiliates, and/or other entities. Currently, there are fifty-nine professionals working inside the company, ranging from junior (A1 and A2), senior, manager and senior manager. Besides, Employee may also have the opportunity to become partner, who receives a share in the profits of the company and have a say in management. Furthermore, The increase in pay is substantial. An audit partner at Deloitte reported an annual salary range of USD $387,000 to $416,000. However, it also means additional responsibilities for bringing in new business and managing employees. Definition of Work-life balance The social structure and complexity has changed rapidly in the past decades, the society is facing massive confrontation of different responsibilities and commitments, these changes were formed as a result in increased global competition, renewed interest in personal lives and family values, aging workforce (Lockwood, 2003), as well as the blurring of work-non-work boundaries (Humbert and Lewis, 2008), work-life balance has become a predominant issue in the workplace. Extensive researches have been conducted about work-life balance; however, the context of work-life balance is very broad and will have different meaning towards different situation and interpretation. Researchers gave different definition of work-life balance, Wise (2003) states that â€Å"work-life balance is about helping employees better manage their work and non-work time. † According to Business dictionary, work-life balance is a comfortable state of equilibrium achieved between an employee’s primary priorities of their employment position and their private lifestyle. It is a stability of body or mind† (Guest, 2001). Thus, different people may have their â€Å"right† combination of paid work and other aspects of their lives. Most psychologists would agree that the demands of an employee’s career should not overwhelm the individual’s ability to enjoy a satisfying personal life outside of the business environment. In this sense, balance is the result of collective actions, not an action in itself. Whereas researchers also define meaning of â€Å"life† in three senses, they define life as unpaid work obligations, leisure in general and ultimately anything that is not employment. Maclnnes, 2008). Focus among the different definition of work-life balance As work-life balance has such broad term of definition, its implication and application to real world situation as a result is comprehensive. According to Lockwood (2003), the working definitions of terms used regarding work-life balance covering different aspects, including work-family, which refers to the work-life balance in specific areas such as quality of life, flexible work , option, life balance etc. ; work-family conflicts, which efers to the push and pull between work and family responsibilities; work-life balance from the employee viewpoint, which refers to the dilemma of managing work obligations and personal or family responsibilities; work-life balance from the employer viewpoint, which refers to the challenge of creating a supportive company culture where employees can focus on their job while at work; others such family-friendly benefits, work-life programs, work-life initiatives and work-family culture etc. ave been evolved as research areas of defining work-life balance. In the current study, we are going to focus on work-life conflict from the employees’ viewpoint, to explore the problems they encounter and what they could do for managing work and non-work obligations. Objectives and methodology of the study After focusing the definition of work-life balance for the study, we have set objectives in line with information collected from employees of Deloitte Macau to come up with several purposes: to find out the causes that led to employee’s non-work-life balance in the work context, to investigate ways that employer can do to tackle the causes for improving the situation, to observe how employees could do to prevent from getting imbalance between work and non-work context, and finally give out recommendation on application for tackling the problems from both employer and employee viewpoint. Methodology of the study  The study is conducted with a combination of pragmatism approach together with the support of literature review for inductive results. By using pragmatism approach, it is believed that causes that negatively affect the work life balance of employees of Deloitte Macau could be found out in a systematic and more comprehensive way, and with the identification of the causes, employer could help enhancing employee’s work-life balance with appropriate strategies. In this case, both questionnaire and interview were used as the research strategies for the appropriateness and applicableness of this paper. Sampling and participants Questionnaires were distributed across the three operational departments of Deloitte Macau, the auditing department, compliance department and tax department for the freedom of choice staff made to complete the questionnaire. On the other hand, a manager from auditing department and an assistant manager who is in charge of supervising both tax and compliance department were selected to participate in this study. Data collection Primary data is collected from questionnaire and interview. As mentioned earlier, pragmatism and inductive approach was used for the research methodology. Both questionnaire and interviews were applied for data collection tool. Target participants of questionnaires were employees from junior to middle management level across the three operational department of Deloitte Macau. The questionnaire sampling was based on the random sampling approach while interview with mangers belongs to purposive sampling. Interpretation of data received will be outlined and elaborated in the findings session. Findings From Questionnaire A survey was carried out from 6th Feb to 9th March 2013 by asking Deloitte audit, tax and compliance staffs to fill a questionnaire. The aim of the survey is to evaluate the work and non-work balance of the staffs and find out the causes of this imbalance. A total 31 questionnaires (sample size) were completed among total 59 staffs (population size). In order to have a better understanding of the causes that lead to imbalance work and non-work life, literature review is carried out in advance and we find that the causes are mainly: Technology boom Lacking appropriate skill Overtime and limiting budget Multi-tasking. Thus, we also set them as the choices in our questionnaire (question 13 in Appendix A) for asking the causes.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on The Inuit

The Inuit The Inuit are a people inhabiting small enclaves in the coastal areas of Greenland, Arctic North America (including Canada and Alaska), and extreme northeastern Siberia. The name Inuit means â€Å"the real people† (Chance 21). In 1977 the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, held in Barrow, Alaska, officially â€Å"adopted Inuit as the replacement for the term ‘Eskimo’† (Chance 25). There are several related linguistic groups of Arctic peoples, including the Kalaallit in Greenland, the Inuvialuit in Canada, and the Yupiget, Yuplit, and Alutiit in Alaska. Many of these groups prefer to be called by their specific â€Å"tribal† names rather than as Inuits. In Alaska the term â€Å"Eskimo† is still commonly used. Chance notes that the Inuit vary within about 5 cm (about 2 in) of an average height of 163 cm (5 ft 4 in). They also display â€Å"metabolic, circulatory, and other adaptations to the Arctic climate† (Chance 95). Inhabiting an area spanning almost 5150 km (almost 3200 mi), Inuit have a wider geographical range than any other aborigines and are the most sparsely distributed people on earth. From archaeological, linguistic, and physiological evidence, most scholars conclude that the Inuit migrated across the Bering Strait to Arctic North America. A later arrival to the New World than most native peoples, the Inuit share many cultural traits with Siberian Arctic peoples and with their own closest relatives, the Aleuts. The oldest archaeological sites identifiable as Inuit, in southwest Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, â€Å"date from about 2000 BC and are somewhat distinct from later Inuit sites† (Chance 17). By about 1800 BC the highly developed â€Å"Old Whaling† or â€Å"Bering Sea† culture and related cultures â€Å"had emerged in Siberia and in the Bering Strait region† (Chance 30). In eastern Canada the â€Å"Old Dorset† culture flourished from about â€Å"1000 to 800 BC until about AD 1000 to 1300† (Chance 17). The Dorset... Free Essays on The Inuit Free Essays on The Inuit The Inuit The Inuit are a people inhabiting small enclaves in the coastal areas of Greenland, Arctic North America (including Canada and Alaska), and extreme northeastern Siberia. The name Inuit means â€Å"the real people† (Chance 21). In 1977 the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, held in Barrow, Alaska, officially â€Å"adopted Inuit as the replacement for the term ‘Eskimo’† (Chance 25). There are several related linguistic groups of Arctic peoples, including the Kalaallit in Greenland, the Inuvialuit in Canada, and the Yupiget, Yuplit, and Alutiit in Alaska. Many of these groups prefer to be called by their specific â€Å"tribal† names rather than as Inuits. In Alaska the term â€Å"Eskimo† is still commonly used. Chance notes that the Inuit vary within about 5 cm (about 2 in) of an average height of 163 cm (5 ft 4 in). They also display â€Å"metabolic, circulatory, and other adaptations to the Arctic climate† (Chance 95). Inhabiting an area spanning almost 5150 km (almost 3200 mi), Inuit have a wider geographical range than any other aborigines and are the most sparsely distributed people on earth. From archaeological, linguistic, and physiological evidence, most scholars conclude that the Inuit migrated across the Bering Strait to Arctic North America. A later arrival to the New World than most native peoples, the Inuit share many cultural traits with Siberian Arctic peoples and with their own closest relatives, the Aleuts. The oldest archaeological sites identifiable as Inuit, in southwest Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, â€Å"date from about 2000 BC and are somewhat distinct from later Inuit sites† (Chance 17). By about 1800 BC the highly developed â€Å"Old Whaling† or â€Å"Bering Sea† culture and related cultures â€Å"had emerged in Siberia and in the Bering Strait region† (Chance 30). In eastern Canada the â€Å"Old Dorset† culture flourished from about â€Å"1000 to 800 BC until about AD 1000 to 1300† (Chance 17). The Dorset...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Guide to Writing Essays on Abortion

A Guide to Writing Essays on Abortion A Guide to Writing Essays on Abortion The topic of abortion is sensitive, newsworthy, and controversial. It touches the subjects of politics, law, public health, religion, sociology, and more. It is a topic that incites intense conversation and debate. It is also a topic that is discussed in many college classrooms for many different reasons. Essays on abortion are assigned in many different courses to give students the opportunity to argue their positions on the topic or to demonstrate their understanding of this issue. Some students look forward to these assignments because they have strong opinions on the issue that they are eager to share. Unfortunately these students often fall prey to many of the pitfalls of writing an essay about abortion. These include: Using overly biased sources Ignoring evidence that doesn’t support their beliefs Confusing rhetoric for fact Constructing strawmen Using belittling language when referring to those with opposing beliefs To avoid these pitfalls, double check your sources, include sources that support opposing views, concentrate on facts, debate only what the people with the opposing view have stated and not what you think they have stated, and use respectful language. Abortion Essay Topic Suggestions Here are a few suggestions for students who are looking for essay suggestions on abortion. What are the pros and cons of abortion as it relates to public health? Will people ever come to an agreement on the abortion debate? Should taxpayer money fund abortions? Would free contraceptives cut down on the number of abortions each year? Should young women under the age of 18 be able to obtain abortion services without parental consent? If a man impregnates a woman, should he have to give his consent for her to have an abortion? Write an argumentative essay, discussing whether or not you are for or against abortion past 24 weeks. Will mandatory ultra-sounds and waiting periods reduce the number of abortions? What are the risks of having an abortion? Will comprehensive sexual education programs in schools reduce the rate of teen pregnancies and abortions? What can be done to reduce the number of abortions without making it legal? Should the government fund crisis pregnancy centers? If you are against abortion, what exceptions would you allow? Write a pro choice abortion research paper on a famous individual who helped the pro choice movement. Discuss the history of Planned Parenthood Abortion Essay Assistance Between spending time choosing a topic, researching, vetting your sources, taking notes, writing, editing, and revising, you can spend several days working on your abortion essay. This is a lot of time and effort to dedicate to a single writing assignment. If you have a job, a family, or a social life, finding time to finish complex writing assignments like these can be nearly impossible. It’s no wonder that so many college students feel constantly stressed out and overwhelmed. They are just too busy! Here’s some good news! You don’t have to be that overworked student. You can simply place an order at and we will help you with your paper on abortion or any other subject.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Data Analysis - Essay Example lyse the association between increase in productivity and decrease in cost, decrease in lost images, increase in quality of images, decrease in repeated examination/rejected films, and examination time. As can be seen from figure 4 to 7, it appears that there was strong or very strong association between increase in productivity and variables decrease in cost, decrease in lost images, increase in quality of images, decrease in repeated examination/rejected films, and examination time. The strongest correlation was between increase in productivity and decrease in examination time, therefore, taking variable decrease in examination time as independent variable for predicting increase in productivity (dependent variable). Decrease in examination time significantly predicted increase in productivity,  ÃŽ ² = .90,  t(48) = 14.07,  p   In conclusion, there is strong association between increase in productivity and decrease in cost, decrease in lost images, increase in quality of images, decrease in repeated examination/rejected films, and examination