Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Close reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Close reading - Essay Example One really comes across dramatic monologue in passionate love songs as the poem appears to be at the start. By using this dramatic monologue the protagonist seems to be trying to strike a rapport with the listeners. The other thing is that this usage of the dramatic monologue in the poem allows the poet to draw the psychologically complex characters of Prufrock. At the beginning of the poem is placed an epigraph taken from Dante’s Inferno. The poet uses this epigraph to bring in a deeper understanding of the poem through the usage of context and meaning. Dante here represents the converse of what Prufrock has come to be. Unlike Dante, Prufrock repeatedly fails to be a person who has a genuine passion and emotions. In contrast the emotional and mental state of Prufrock is very much like Guido de Montefetltro on his way to the flames. Hence, very much like Guido, Prufrock here comes out as being a very isolated and wasted individual. In the poem TS Eliot has resorted to a rhyme scheme that is irregular, without being utterly random. Though in parts the poem appears to be in free verse, actually speaking the poem happens to be a combination of many types of poetic forms. Besides, in this poem Eliot has also resorted to the use of refrains like,†In the room the women come and go/Talking of Michelangelo (13-14).† This refrain is also accompanied by repeated questions asked and doubts conveyed by Prufrock. Eliot uses this poetic style in the poem to convey the disturbed mental state of a neurotic character who is Prufrock. This fragmented and discontinued poetic style allows the poet to reveal the fact that although Prufrock presents oneself as being aesthetic, actually speaking he is totally non-romantic. The state of Prufrock represents the state of emotional bonds in the modern times. Time and again in the poem Prufrock conveys his dissatisfaction with the environment amidst which he is moving. These

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