Monday, May 4, 2020

Business Communication Assessment

Question: Discuss about the Business Communication Assessment. Answer: Introduction: Communication can be defined as the process of receiving information and exchanging the same between two or more person (Kasper, Kellerman, 2014). The current case study is based on the investigation and evaluation of the current communication of Class Act Limited and recommending an ideal communication strategy, which will help in solving the issues of the organisation. The study is aimed at improving the performance of Class Act Ltd by designing appropriate communication objectives along with the identification of specific brand awareness. Investigation and current evaluation of the communication: The current communication process at Class Act Ltd is complex, which comprises of several levels of management. Due to this break down or distortion may arise. The long lines of communication process and flow of communication leads to delay and distortion (Colleoni, 2013). It is found from the analysis that every layer of authority cuts down a piece of information or are reluctant to communicate, especially in the upward communication process. Due to specialisation at Class Act Limited, every department is greatly concerned in their own interests and does not takes into the consideration the problems of others. It is further noticed that inappropriate attention to the message is creating misunderstanding. The main cause of inattention is credibility gap representing inconsistency between what one says and what one does, which ultimately creates, misunderstand of message (Austin, Pinkleton, 2015). The current situation revolving Class Act Ltd reflects slow and inappropriate accountabilities of personnel in delivering messages during emergent situations. Recommending strategic communication process: After conducting a careful research concerning the communication strategies and their elements, a ten-step communication strategy is developed to assist Class Act in achieving its performance objectives and improving the organisation communication procedure as well. The strategy is designed to improve the human relationship by promoting appropriate interaction between one another through communication. Step 1: Analysis of big picture: Class Act Limited needs to figure out what needs to be done in order to realise the organisation needs while creating a communication strategy. The organisation currently operates under the traditional method of communication that holds nothing with the current communication strategy and thus, it needs to start from beginning (Goetsch Davis, 2014). The organisations current strategy does not seems to be working and it needs to realise that requires improvement. Probably expanding its channel of communication can help in developing relationships among people in terms of both formal and informal way. Step 2: Defining the goals of the organisation: An organisation can attain success only if it understands what exactly needs to be done to achieve desired performance as a whole. If the goal of the organisation to reach out the community then the words and symbol which used to convey the message must match with the reference and understanding of the receiver (Carnmarata et al., 2014). This will help in minimising the semantic barrier. Step 3: defining the goals of the individual within the organisation: Unlike every organisation, Class Act Limited has different projects containing goals which the company itself want to attain outside of the organisations goals. These goals needs to be determined and specifically defined (Ulmer et al., 2013). The reason behind this is that when the communication strategy is being developed, there should be a consistent portrayal of message for the intended program. Step 4: Defining precise means of communication for each program: Unlike defining the objectives of individual program, it is imperative for Class Act Limited to define each means of communication for every program needs before executing the plan (Cornelissen, 2014). This process is effective in assuring that each personnel is moving in the same direction with the programs. Step 5: Defining the target audience: For Class Act Limited determining the target audience forms an indispensable element in formulating an effective strategy for communication. Without defining the appropriate audience, it is almost impossible to formulate a plan to widen the reputation of the organisation (Cummings and Worley, 2014). Step 6: Developing the key messages to be portrayed: The development of key messages to be portrayed will allow Class Act Limited to inform the target audience about their determined goals. Such messages will help in building awareness by allowing the organisation to regulate their perceptions (Miller, 2014). The messages to be transmitted by each authority should be clear and concise. Therefore, for Class Act Limited, the messages should be suitable and appropriate for the purpose of communication. Figure 1: Principles of Effective Communication for Class Act Ltd (Source: As Created By Author) Step 7: Proposing a time line: Class Act Limited should create a timeline concerning the needs of events in order to keep each individuals and authority on the same page regarding the necessary steps to be taken in the accomplishment of desired organisation performance (Hrebiniak, 2013). The timeline of events should contain detailed step-by-step methodology of specific performance strategies and should be broad in terms of time taken in accomplishing each of these steps. Step 8: Developing the initial plan: Strategic preparation of the initial plan is necessary in the process of developing new strategy for communication. If Class Act Limited is looking forward to indulge in marketing by expanding the public knowledge of its programme, then it must define the types of tools to be used to transmit their message among the target set of audience (Smith, 2013). Class Act Limited should also take into the consideration the time money and personnel limitations while deciding the type of communication to be implemented. A sound organisation structure for Class Act Limited would help in developing the chain of command, which would ultimately assist in speeding up the flow of information. Thus, it is worth mentioning that authoring and accountability of each position should be clearly laid down. Class Act Limited should regulate the flow of communication in order to avoid over burdening of communication (Percy, 2014). Appropriate channel and media of communication such as fax, video conferencing, SMS etc. should be used. Figure 2: Communication Strategy of Class Act Ltd (Source As Created By Author) Step 9: Implementing the elements of plan: After developing the list of ideas for an effective strategy of communication, Class Act Ltd should make the use of best options for its organisation and implement the same. It is noteworthy to denote that the process of implementation should be in accordance with the time as stated in step 7. For instance if Class Act Limited is looking forward to indulge in human resource practices it can create a pool of candidates along with the number of people they are looking to pool. To do this, words in message should be reinforced through appropriate gestures or facial expression (Miller, 2014). Therefore, the tone to be used in this process should take into the consideration the physical environment and human conditions. Step 10: Assessing the elements of communication strategy: Assessing the implemented strategy of communication is the only procedure of making sure that the targeted set of audience is being reached. Under this step, the process of communication at Class Act should be well set and have been provided with sufficient time to influence the public. Class Act Ltd should ensure that evaluation is performed appropriately to assure that there are no such loose ends and skipped details (Cornelissen, 2014). The more number of time is spent in discovering the information the better it will be able to adapt to its strategy. Conclusion: To conclude with, the above stated evaluations and strategies seeks to examine the objective of communication and consider the total physical setting of Class Act Ltd. The communication process designed will Class Act Ltd to take opportunity as and when the right amount of message or value to the receiver arise to covey. References Austin, E.W. Pinkleton, B.E., (2015). Strategic Public Relations Management: Planning and Managing Effective Communication Campaigns (Vol. 10). Routledge. Carnmarata, S., McArthur, D., Steeb, R. (2014). STRATEGIES OF COOPERATION IN DISTRIBUTED PROBLEM SOLVING!. Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, 102. Colleoni, E., (2013). CSR communication strategies for organizational legitimacy in social media. Corporate Communications: an international journal, 18(2), pp.228-248. Cornelissen, J. (2014). Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014. Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Hrebiniak, L. G. (2013). Making strategy work: Leading effective execution and change. FT Press. Kasper, G., Kellerman, E. (2014). Communication strategies: Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives. Routledge. Miller, K. (2014). Organizational communication: Approaches and processes. Nelson Education. Percy, L. (2014). Strategic integrated marketing communications. Routledge. Smith, R. D. (2013). Strategic planning for public relations. Routledge. Ulmer, R. R., Sellnow, T. L., Seeger, M. W. (2013). Effective crisis communication: Moving from crisis to opportunity. Sage Publications.

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